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Aminet AMIGA CDROM (1994)(Walnut Creek)[Feb 1994][W.O. 44790-1].iso
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/* ttdddlib.h - definitions needed to interface to TTDDD library
* - written by Glenn M. Lewis - 7/19/91
* $Id: t3dlib.h,v 1.25 1993/01/30 23:43:03 glewis Exp $
#ifdef AMIGA
/* The following has been tested using SAS/C on an Amiga by Helge Rasmussen */
#ifdef __SASC
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <exec/types.h>
#define bcopy(s,d,n) (void)memcpy((d),(s),(n))
#define bzero(d,n) (void)memset((d),0,(n))
#define bcmp(b1,b2,n) memcmp((b1),(b2),(n))
#define index strchr
#define rindex strrchr
#include <strings.h>
#include <malloc.h>
char *calloc();
#ifdef SYSV
extern char *memcpy(), *memset();
#define bcopy(s,d,n) (void)memcpy((d),(s),(n))
#define bzero(d,n) (void)memset((d),0,(n))
#define bcmp(b1,b2,n) memcmp((b1),(b2),(n))
#define index strchr
#define rindex strrchr
#ifndef AMIGA
#ifndef UBYTE
#define UBYTE unsigned char
#ifndef BYTE
#define BYTE char
#ifndef UWORD
#define UWORD unsigned short
#ifndef WORD
#define WORD short
#ifndef ULONG
#define ULONG unsigned long
#ifndef LONG
#define LONG long
#ifndef FRACT
#define FRACT double
typedef struct { double x,y,z; } XYZ_st; /* Used to be val[3] */
typedef struct { UBYTE r,g,b; } RGB_st; /* Used to be val[3] */
typedef struct { XYZ_st came, rota; double foca; } OBSV;
typedef struct { double at, by; RGB_st to; } FADE;
typedef struct { RGB_st hori, zeni; } SKYC;
typedef char BRSH[81];
typedef struct { XYZ_st tran, scal, rota1, rota2, rota3; } MTRX;
typedef struct { XYZ_st xaxi, yaxi, zaxi; } AXIS;
typedef struct { char path[19]; XYZ_st tran, rota, scal; UWORD info; } STRY;
typedef struct {
MTRX mtrx;
char filename[81];
typedef struct {
UBYTE type;
float indx;
struct OBJECT {
EXTR *extr; /* Either EXTR or DESC */
struct DESC *desc;
struct OBJECT *parent; /* whose child this OBJECT is */
struct OBJECT *child; /* children of this OBJECT - not for EXTR */
struct OBJECT *next; /* At this level in the hierarchy */
void *user; /* User-defined data for any purpose */
typedef struct OBJECT OBJECT;
typedef struct {
UWORD num;
UBYTE *eflg;
struct FGRP {
struct FGRP *next; /* Linked list */
UWORD num;
char name[19]; /* 18 allowed in file */
UWORD *face;
typedef struct FGRP FGRP;
typedef struct {
UWORD Flags;
double Params[16];
UBYTE PFlags[16];
UBYTE SubName[81];
UBYTE Length;
UBYTE Name[81];
} TXT2;
typedef struct DESC {
char name[19];
WORD *shap;
XYZ_st *posi;
AXIS *axis;
XYZ_st *size;
XYZ_st *pnts;
RGB_st *colr, *refl, *tran, *spc1;
UWORD *edge, *face, pcount, ecount, fcount;
UBYTE *clst, *rlst, *tlst;
double *tpar;
UBYTE *surf;
MTTR *mttr;
UBYTE *spec;
UBYTE *prp0, *prp1;
double *ints;
XYZ_st *int1;
STRY *stry;
FGRP *fgrp;
EFLG *eflg;
TXT2 *txt2[4];
/* extern UBYTE defclst[3], defrlst[3], deftlst[3], defspc1[3]; */
/* Add staging file information for Imagine support */
/* It appears that the staging files use 3 FRACT's to represent colors
* instead of 3 UBYTEs... Hmmm...
struct SAXIS { struct SAXIS *next, *prev; UWORD flags, start, stop; };
typedef struct SAXIS SAXIS;
struct GLB2 {
struct GLB2 *next, *prev;
UWORD flags, start, stop;
ULONG sky_blending;
double starfield;
ULONG transition;
/* The following are really colors */
XYZ_st ambient, horizon, zenith1, zenith2, fog_color;
double fog_bottom, fog_top, fog_length;
ULONG brush_seq, backdrop_seq;
char backdrop[256]; /* Fixed length */
char globalbrush[256]; /* Variable length */
typedef struct GLB2 GLB2;
struct LITE {
struct LITE *next, *prev;
UWORD flags, start, stop;
/* The following are really colors */
XYZ_st color;
ULONG transition;
typedef struct LITE LITE;
struct SFILE {
struct SFILE *next, *prev;
UWORD flags, start, stop;
double cycles_to_perform;
double initial_cycle_phase;
ULONG transition;
char object_description[256]; /* Variable length */
typedef struct SFILE SFILE;
struct OSIZ { struct OSIZ *next,*prev; UWORD flags, start, stop; XYZ_st size; };
typedef struct OSIZ OSIZ; /* Size */
struct POSN { struct POSN *next,*prev; UWORD flags, start, stop; XYZ_st posn; };
typedef struct POSN POSN; /* Position */
struct ALGN { struct ALGN *next,*prev; UWORD flags, start, stop; XYZ_st algn; };
typedef struct ALGN ALGN; /* Alignment */
struct PALN { struct PALN *next,*prev; UWORD flags, start, stop; };
typedef struct PALN PALN; /* Path Alignment */
struct PTH2 {
struct PTH2 *next, *prev;
UWORD flags, start, stop;
ULONG acceleration_frames;
double start_speed;
ULONG deacceleration_frames;
double end_speed;
char path[256]; /* Variable length */
typedef struct PTH2 PTH2; /* Follow Path */
struct TALN {
struct TALN *next, *prev;
UWORD flags, start, stop;
double initial_y, final_y;
char trackobj[256]; /* Variable length */
typedef struct TALN TALN; /* Track alignment */
struct SOBJ {
struct SOBJ *next, *prev;
/* Required subchunks in the SOBJ chunk... */
char name[18]; /* CHUNK: Name, fixed=18 */
UWORD stgf; /* CHUNK: always zero? */
/* Possible subchunks in the SOBJ chunk... */
OSIZ *osiz; /* Size */
POSN *posn; /* Position */
ALGN *algn; /* Alignment */
PALN *paln; /* Path Alignment */
TALN *taln; /* Track Alignment */
PTH2 *pth2; /* Follow Path */
GLB2 *glb2; /* Globals */
SAXIS *axis; /* Stagefile AXIS */
LITE *lite; /* Light */
SFILE *file; /* Stage file */
typedef struct SOBJ SOBJ;
typedef struct {
UWORD maxf;
/* Just so we don't have to search through the doubly-linked list */
/* every time we wish to add to the tail, keep a pointer to head&tail */
SOBJ *head, *tail;
/* Back to old Turbo Silver stuff... */
#define STNC BRSH
#define TXTR BRSH
typedef struct {
BRSH brsh[8];
STNC stnc[8];
TXTR txtr[8];
OBSV *obsv;
BYTE otrk[19];
STRY *ostr;
FADE *fade;
SKYC *skyc;
RGB_st *ambi;
BYTE *glb0;
typedef struct {
INFO *info; /* The INFO description in the file */
ISTG *istg; /* Imagine staging file */
OBJECT *object; /* The first object in the world */
void *user; /* User-defined data for any purpose */
/* Some private variables needed to parse input file - don't touch! */
int num_OBJ, num_DESC, num_TOBJ, cur_line;
FILE *inp;
OBJECT *curobj;
typedef struct {
double minx, maxx, miny, maxy, minz, maxz;
} MBB;
#ifdef __STDC__
#define P0() void
#define P1(a) a
#define P2(a,b) a,b
#define P3(a,b,c) a,b,c
#define P4(a,b,c,d) a,b,c,d
#define P5(a,b,c,d,e) a,b,c,d,e
#define P0()
#define P1(a)
#define P2(a,b)
#define P3(a,b,c)
#define P4(a,b,c,d)
#define P5(a,b,c,d,e)
WORLD *read_World(P1(FILE*)); /* world = read_World(FILE *); ..figures out format */
WORLD *free_World(P1(WORLD*)); /* world = free_World(world *); ...frees a WORLD* */
void merge_World(P1(WORLD*)); /* merge_World(world *); ..optimizes points & edges */
WORLD *read_TTDDD(P1(FILE*)); /* world = read_TTDDD(FILE *); ...0 on failure */
WORLD *read_TDDD(P1(FILE*)); /* world = read_TDDD(FILE *); ...0 on failure */
WORLD *read_LWOB(P1(FILE*)); /* world = read_LWOB(FILE *); ...0 on failure */
WORLD *read_ISTG(P1(FILE*)); /* world = read_ISTG(FILE *); ...0 on failure */
int write_TTDDD(P2(WORLD*,FILE*)); /* write_TTDDD(world *, FILE *); ...0 on failure */
int write_TDDD(P2(WORLD*,FILE*)); /* write_TDDD(world *, FILE *); ...0 on failure */
int write_Rayshade(P2(WORLD*,FILE*)); /* write_Rayshade(world *, FILE *); ...0 on failure */
int write_PostScript(P3(WORLD*,FILE*,int)); /* write_PostScript(world *, FILE *, view); ..ditto */
int write_MIF(P3(WORLD*,FILE*,int)); /* write_MIF(world *, FILE *, view); ..0 on failure */
void calculate_MBB_world(P1(WORLD*)); /* calculate_MBB_world(WORLD *); */
void calculate_MBB(P1(OBJECT*)); /* calculate_MBB(OBJECT *); */
OBJECT *linear_morph(P3(OBJECT*,OBJECT*,double)); /* linear_morph(obj1, obj2, time); /* 0.0<=time<=1.0 */
OBJECT *create_object(P0()); /* p = create_object(); */
OBJECT *free_object(P1(OBJECT*)); /* from freeworld.c */
int count_objects(P2(OBJECT*,OBJECT**)); /* Used by "morph()" */
int morph(P5(WORLD*,WORLD*,int,char*,OBJECT*(*func)())); /* morph(world1, world2, num, name, morph_function); */
void free_desc(P1(DESC*)); /* free_desc(DESC *); */
void match_points(P3(int,OBJECT*,OBJECT*)); /* match_points(numpoints, obj1, obj2); */
void sort_points(P2(DESC*,int(*cmp)()));
int cmpXYZ(P2(XYZ_st*,XYZ_st*)); /* comparison for sort_points */
void move_extr(P2(OBJECT*,MTRX*));
void OUT_MEM(P1(char*));
void load_staging_frame_objects(P2(WORLD*,int)); /* (world, frame); load a frame's objects */
int write_OFF(P4(WORLD*,char*,int,int));
int write_NFF(P2(WORLD*,FILE*));
int write_DXF(P2(WORLD*,FILE*));
int write_POVRay(P2(WORLD*,FILE*));
int write_Vort(P2(WORLD*,FILE*));
int write_LWOB(P2(WORLD*,FILE*));
/* Some stuff for PostScript and MIF output */
extern double XSIZE, YSIZE; /* (in inches) Default: 8.5x11.0 */
#define VIEW_TOP 0 /* eye at (0,0,+inf) */
#define VIEW_FRONT 1 /* eye at (0,-inf,0) */
#define VIEW_ISO 2 /* eye at (+inf,-inf,+inf) */
#define VIEW_RIGHT 3 /* eye at (+inf,0,0) */
#define VIEW_ALL_FOUR 4 /* Place all on the same page */